Handasisim Gallery

Artist’s Personal Style Handasism is the private technique founded by the artist and has been used exclusively in Fatana’s paintings since 1985. The style was selected in the experimental category at the 23rd art competition of The Artist’s Magazine and is copyrighted at the Library of Congress in the United States. Click Here to read …

Portraits Paintings

Fatana has been working on portrait assignments since the early 1980s. Her natural talent has enabled her to create impressive portraits with extraordinary likeness and beauty, bringing moments of joy to her audience. She has created numerous art pieces for international clients from various countries, including renowned personalities.  Click Here To read the artist portraits statment.

Watercolor Gallery

Watercolor holds a special place among Fatana’s favorite mediums. Mastering the unique characteristics of this challenging art form has elevated her to the status of a renowned watercolorist. Her exceptional skill in depicting the beauty of watercolor has captivated art enthusiasts worldwide.     Landcape       Still-Life     Portraits    

Pencil and Charcoal

Fatana enjoys studying the basic structures of objects, converting, analyzing, and transferring their beauty and color values into an intriguing world of black and white in her drawings.   If you would like to have your drawing portraits,  buy the original piece, a printed copy, or a reproduction Contact the Artist Charcoal       …

Pen and Ink Gallery

The elegance of pen and ink strokes and their unique capability to create different tones, scales, and values using a single hue inspired Fatana to explore this medium. If you would like to buy the original piece, a printed copy, or a reproduction Contact the Artist   Landscape Portraits